Knowledge with the little birds as a card

Knowledge is undoubtedly one of a company's most important resources. However, while physical means of production and employees are actively managed in almost every organization, knowledge is often simply available - distributed across countless heads and locations. Strategically, knowledge management is therefore often introduced out of a desire to make knowledge ... read more
Digital knowledge management based on Microsoft 365 As a modern, owner-managed service company with around 300 employees, impacx services GmbH, headquartered in Kleve, stands for sophisticated customer experience management. In 2022, impacx will become the new umbrella brand (formerly: tel-inform) of the family business founded in 1846. As a digital service provider, ... read more
Following the successful introduction of Microsoft 365 by Fellowmind at Schüco International KG, the Product Lifecycle Management (PLM domain) department at Schüco was looking for a knowledge management solution. They were looking for a tool that would increase efficiency in knowledge management and facilitate the handling of knowledge articles. During the review of various tools, a tip came ... read more
Really good and modern knowledge management, which can easily grow with your company, is built on three pillars: Appreciation, tools and processes. By tool, of course, we mean the software, the tool with which your entire company works centrally. Since choosing the right software for your company is elementary, we have ... read more
"SmartStash - I'm in!" It's hard to imagine Germany's city centers without Kochlöffel, with its snack classics such as grilled chicken and currywurst serving happy guests in around 80 restaurants every day. Kochlöffel GmbH is not only a successful franchise company with around 1000 employees, but also a family business in its second generation. With ... read more
Remote work has now become part of everyday working life and this trend is set to continue in the future. The market research institute Gartner, for example, expects an increase in mobile working to 48% by 2030. It is hardly surprising that this will have an impact on the way we work: According to another study, we will need ... read more
New SmartStash functions As part of the IMS update for SmartStash, the 1.8 release update includes some new features for quality assurance. The user interface has also been partially revised and simplified for use. This also includes usability updates to existing web parts, such as the page layout and page limits in MyStash. Brand new, ... read more
All kinds of integrated systems, ISO standards and synergy effects Summary: In the fifth episode, Saskia had Klaus-Oliver Welsow - founder and Managing Director of UWS Business Solutions GmbH - as a guest. In addition to his enthusiasm for digital process and management consulting, Klaus-Oliver is passionate about distilling his own whisky. To kick things off, Saskia and Klaus-Oliver talk about what ... read more
Before we begin, we would like to ask an essential question: Why are the topics of knowledge management and integrated management system (IMS for short) so often considered separately? Either people only talk about one OR the other. This is also reflected in the project inquiries we have received in recent years, which is ... read more
Why use read receipts? Even if I don't have to adhere to any compliance guidelines in my company, a read receipt or a request can be very useful. Basically, the purpose of knowledge management is to make information easily accessible to everyone and to share it with each other. It would be very cumbersome if I, as the author of a - ... read more
You'd think they'd gone crazy with this topic! What does the news - which is usually only valid for a certain period of time - have to do with knowledge management? Actually more than you might think! Especially in combination. SmartStash offers this function for several good reasons. First of all ... read more
What are associated files in SmartStash? Associated files are files that are only used together with a specific item. These are not managed documents! These files - or let's call them attachments for better understanding - do not have their own panel via which they can be ... read more
What you need to know about authorizations and "Managed audiences" in SmartStash You probably already know that a stash may be necessary per department, per location or due to other company structures. For example, different management areas: Quality Management, Environmental Management or Risk Management. Access to each individual stash is granted via group or individual authorizations.
After Saskia told us all about the SmartStash Teams app and her love of tidying up in the second episode, in the third episode she talks to SmartStash Product Manager Sergio Campisi about the ideal knowledge management process, before the fourth episode focuses in particular on the history of SmartStash and the ... read more
New update, new SmartStash features! Rough overview of the new features of release update 1.7: Usability improvements Performance improvements Design improvements New functions and features Bug fixes The new NEWS stash (optionally bookable) The news module is the biggest new feature of this SmartStash release. This new feature means that there are now two types of "stashes": Stash for ... read more
Of digital Konmari, "too much or too little", topics close to the heart and cluttered desktops This episode is all about the Teams app from SmartStash, Nicole reports as a special guest on her experiences with the app - personally and in a customer context -, reveals her favorite function and gives useful tips on how to use it ... read more
SmartStash version update 1.6 - what's new? The slogan of a famous DIY store once said "There's always something to do." - This is also true for us and the continuous development of SmartStash. We have briefly summarized the highlights of the latest version update 1.6 for you here and ... read more
The podcast about SmartStash Silke: Hello, welcome to our podcast. I have two experts here today from Fellowmind: Florian, who works in our sales department, and Saskia, who is a Modern Work specialist. Today we want to talk a bit about knowledge management and introduce SmartStash. But before I ... read on
MyStash on the intranet homepage Knowledge management should not take place in a silo, but should be transparent and accessible to everyone. So what better place for integration than your company's global intranet portal? If you already have a SharePoint Online intranet (it's worth it!) - then ... read more
SmartStash Version 1.5 Usability Improvements In addition to numerous usability improvements, the new version also contains completely new options for the design of the Stash home pages. In order to make room for the new designs of the Stash overview, the menu bar has been slightly adapted and we have moved away from the very dominant display of the read ... read more
SUMMARY These are the most important criteria that help to structure SmartStash correctly from the outset, at a glance. First of all... what content are you mapping? The intended use of your SmartStash environment has a big influence on how you should plan the structure. Related content should always be mapped in a stash ... read more
SharePoint Online already contains a large number of functions that are very useful for generating and distributing digital content. Why should I use SmartStash as an add-on for SharePoint Online? SmartStash offers a growing set of features that complement SharePoint in all the right places. The management and distribution of ... read more