Living knowledge - in and also around SmartStash

In our knowledge section, we share tips, new features and our very own thoughts and best practices around SmartStash and modern knowledge management.

Current knowledge articles

What you need to know about authorizations and "Managed audiences" in SmartStash You probably already know that a stash may be necessary per department, per location or due to other company structures. For example, different management areas: Quality Management, Environmental Management .. .
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After Saskia told us all about the SmartStash Teams app and her love of tidying up in the second episode, in the third episode she talks to SmartStash Product Manager Sergio Campisi about the ideal .. .
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New update, new SmartStash features! Rough overview of the new features of the 1.7 release update: Usability improvements Performance improvements Design improvements New functions and features Bug fixes The new NEWS-Stash (optionally bookable) The news module is the biggest new feature of this .. .
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About digital Konmari, "too much or too little", topics close to the heart and cluttered desktops This episode is all about the Teams app from SmartStash, and special guest Nicole talks about her experiences with the app .. .
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SmartStash version update 1.6 - what's new? The slogan of a famous DIY store once said "There's always something to do." - This is also true for us and the continuous development of SmartStash. The highlights .. .
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The podcast about SmartStash Silke: Hello, welcome to our podcast. I have two experts here today from Fellowmind: Florian, who works in our sales department, and Saskia, who is a Modern Work specialist.
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