Knowledge management with Office 365

Do you work in SharePoint Online and Teams every day and also want to have the important information at your fingertips at all times without leaving your familiar work environment? You believe that a central place for collaboration is worth its weight in gold?

Knowledge management made easy with SmartStash

Establishing processes in a company is not an easy undertaking. Therefore, at least the tools for it should be easy and intuitive to use! SmartStash is an Office 365 application developed by Fellowmind Germany GmbH that makes it much easier for you to introduce knowledge management. The maintenance, control and auditing of the content is so simple that you can primarily concentrate on establishing the necessary specifications.

SharePoint, for use as a knowledge management tool from Microsoft, already comes with a lot of useful features for running digital knowledge management. However, the software inherently lacks the necessary processes to support and simplify the management itself.

So if you're looking for something that goes beyond SharePoint lists, WIKI, blogs, unstructured overview pages, depersonalized information distribution and a sober, technical user interface, then you've come to the right place!

We look forward to taking you into the new world of modern, digital knowledge management.

Microsoft's Office 365 as a basis

SmartStash is the simple solution for corporate documentation, document management and organisational development in Office 365. Relevant knowledge is centrally maintained in the SharePoint database and made available to each user in a targeted manner via the rights-role system. The software also provides the basis for fulfilling various legal requirements as an integrated management system (IMS).

Use the services provided by Microsoft 365 and the highest security standards to know that your company knowledge is secure and at the same time accessible to the right employees.

Take advantage of the platform benefits that SmartStash brings with it

SmartStash's seamless integration with Office 365 eliminates all typical implementation and establishment issues:


SmartStash is fully integrated with Microsoft 365 and benefits permanently from Microsoft Cloud advancements and latest features. With SmartStash, you don't introduce a new "silo".

Modern usability

SmartStash is based on Modern UI, which makes it mobile-friendly and easy to manage. The software is easy to understand, so all age groups can work with it without any problems.

Continuous development

Based on feedback from our customers and partners, we are also constantly developing new features to make SmartStash even more versatile.

From one source

We are not only product developers, but also consultants. We gain our experience every day in real projects and pass it on to you.

The SmartStash Teams App brings your employees and their knowledge management even closer together

Documenting knowledge and processes is no longer a closed process behind closed doors. The modern digital workplace uses collaborative environments to bring all important information and activities together in one place. Microsoft's answer to the digital workplace is Teams - one platform for everything. With the SmartStash Teams app, you integrate all the important functions - and more - into your Teams work environment, making it easy for employees to access important company information and keep up to date at all times.


How to find the SmartStash app in the Teams app store:

SmartStash "in a box

All articles are automatically opened in a convenient pop-up window in Microsoft Teams and can thus be easily read or skimmed without leaving the current research context. Entire stashes can be made available in Teams rooms, optionally pre-filtered to selected tags, bringing knowledge to where the work happens.

The SmartStash Bot

The SmartStash Bot is your new communication helper. With the notifications from the app and the chat, the relevant target groups are informed about important changes directly when new posts are published and can read and confirm them directly in teams. Should it ever be forgotten or overlooked, the reminder function helps with particularly relevant content - employees are reminded to read something as often as necessary until they have ticked it off. But editors and reviewers also benefit from the SmartStash Bot - instead of emails, they can conveniently view all notifications of new tasks in one app.

Everything in one place

All the important elements of the SmartStash environment can be integrated into teams at the appropriate points. The SmartStash app comes with a manual to help everyone get started with SmartStash.

The SmartStash feature highlights

Get an overview of SmartStash's key features - there's something for everyone in the knowledge management ecosystem. For more information and all the details, feel free to contact us for a personal demo demonstration.